

A collection of various improvements to the Garrison Mission UI.

Mission Table UI

Gary alters the mission completion process. By default, when you click "View Completed Missions", Gary will take over and quickly accept all loot automatically. Some loot items are not currently displayed in your chat log, they are however accepted correctly. This will be fixed to show all loot in the chat window.

If you'd rather the old behaviour, that can be enabled via /gary settings autoSkip. When autoSkip is disabled, Gary will add a skip button while animations play, which will skip to the end of the animations, accept loot, and advance to the next mission. Right clicking this skip button will auto skip all remaining missions. If you do not press skip, then the default Blizzard mission completion flow is used. This allows for a faster mission completion without major changes to the user interface.

Buildings UI

Gary now makes two modifications to the Garrison Architect UI. Firstly, Gary adds follower portraits to the Garrison map. These portraits quickly display assigned workers to each building.

Secondly, Gary adds two buttons to quickly assign / remove followers from buildings. These are found at the bottom left corner of the architect table UI. Gary will assign the highest level follower possible for the building. If a low level follower is assigned, a warning will be displayed. The UI for this is quickly hacked together at this point, any suggestions on better design for these buttons would be awesome.

Mission Complete Toast

The mission complete toast (Pop-up) is now blocked all the time by default. A message should be displayed in your chat window when a mission is complete. This stops the annoying popup which takes mouse focus away from addons like Grid.

This pop-up blocking can be disabled, or set to only block whilst you're in combat. These settings can be found under /gary settings hideMissionToast.

New for b0.4.0:

  • Worker Portraits on Architect Table's Garrison map.
  • Auto complete missions (by default).
  • Progress bar for assign / remove followers. Still working on the UI design for this feature.

Still under development, please report any issues/suggestions in comments and/or tickets. Debugging messages can be toggled via /gary settings debug . Thanks!