Gather Panel

Gather Panel


Gather Panel

This addon provides access to a panel which lists a bunch of current season's items. These item list shows the total count of items across all characters of the active account or only the currently active character.


  • Ability to set up own item lists, including inventory stock levels (minimum/maximum)
  • Gather mode to track specific items with on-screen tracking bars



  • Open the panel, where you can see an overview of all your items added into your item lists
  • In the panel you can choose the character list which you will track items for, add or remove items to that list and adjust inventory stock goals.


  • Activate a lightweight tracker overlaying your interface where you can easily track specific items while gathering up.
  • Move your tracker by dragging the first tracker bar around your UI at your desired position.
  • Hover over one of the tracker bars to reveal absolute count and goal as well as an tooltip of that specific item.
  • Right click a bar to immediately untrack the item. You can activate tracking in the panel.