GatherCounter Cont.

GatherCounter Cont.


GatherCounter Cont. is a simple tool, originally developed by mejloc for displaying the current amount of selected items in a list, i.e. while farming. You can add  all items for observation, from largest amounts of chilled meat till the smallest lvl1 poor quality item, as long as it is in your cache which is a restriction made by Blizzard.

GatherCounter 1.7

WoW 9.0.1 compatible
GatherCounter: Configuration window opens via /gcount...
GatherCounter: Movability can be toggled via /gcount lock...
GatherCounter: Recentering can be achieved via /gcount center...
GatherCounter: Growing direction can be altered via /gcount up | down | left | right...
GatherCounter: Growing or shrinking of the icons can be achieved via /gcount grow | shrink | normalize...
GatherCounter: Add items to list by dropping them on the plus symbol...
GatherCounter: To add known items manually, use /gcount add itemname or /gcount add [itemlink]...
GatherCounter: Remove items from the list by clicking their symbol...
GatherCounter: To remove all items manually, use /gcount clear...
GatherCounter: This message can be called via /gcount help...