


I wrote this add-on to help my Daughter play Warcraft. She has many characters and gets confused with the various specs and stat types. Needless to say, I wrote this plugin after finding her level 80 Death Knight wandering around Mt Hyjal with Ilvl 30 cloth gear (yes, you read that right). I wanted to provide easy to interpret visual feedback that her gearing choices were wrong. If other people benefit from it, wonderful....


What this effectively does, is it will show a big red X in the item slot of the ill-equipped items, when you open your character page

The checks it does are:

  • Grey/White (Junk/Common) item equipped after level 25
  • Gear Type check, ie DK with Cloth, or Hunter with leather (After level 45)
  • Primary Stat check - DK with agility, Warrior with Intellect, Shamen with Strength
  • Item level very low (1 expansion down), ie if level 80, but wearing ilvl 167 items still (its clever enough to ignore Heirlooms)

Feedback welcome, as well as any bug reports or suggestions.