There are four GearCheck-modes. You can GearCheck your current group, raid and / or a specific target. Beyond that, it is possible to run a Guild-GearCheck. This only works for guild-members, that are also running this AddOn. The results of the GearCheck will be shown in a small ScrollFrame. Beyond that, the GearCheck-Results can be published via the chat. In addition to the GearCheck-Report the tooltip of GearChecked targets will be enhanced. Targets, that aleady have been GearChecked, can be updated / rechecked by clicking their name in the GUI. As mentioned before, it's possible to disable the automatic response to GearCheck-requests. In this case, the player, that has requested your GearCheck will be informed, that you don't want to publish your GearCheck-Results. In this case this AddOn wont Inspect you, so no informations about your Equip will be collected. The RIL describes the average Item-Level of someones current equip. This value is calculated by this AddOn based on the equip, that the target was wearing while he was GearChecked. The RIL will also be shown in the paperdoll-frame. It is updated, every time you equip a new Item. The BIL is a value calculated by Blizzard that shows the average Item-Level of the best Items someone wears and / or carrys in his bags. If the target isn't running this AddOn, the Real-Item-Level will be calculated by inspecting the target.