


Gimplist Addon... a way of keeping track of idiots without having to ignore them.

Are there a bunch of people on your server who are a bit of a liability but not quite a moron? Definitely not a friend, but not hated enough to hit your Ignore list (or at least to not use up valuable ignore slots!)... Something between Friend and Ignore... between F & I... either a Horse's Behind or a Gimp.... lets call them Gimps.

Gimplist... this will allow you to select a user, give them a title and also a note as to why they're on the list. Right click the icon or use /gimplist a to add a gimp. In the addon options you can enable right clicking of frames and chat names which is particularly useful for people with unusual characters in their names.

  • Feature 1: the Title in chat... you add Arthus and give him the title "Rage", perhaps he is a very angry young man?

[2. Trade] [Arthus]: WHY DOES EVRY1 LEAAVE MI GUILD??!?!!!
[2. Trade] [Arthus <Rage>]: WHY DOES EVRY1 LEAAVE MI GUILD??!?!!!

This is also useful for tagging alts of guildies (or ex guildies) where Mooalt could be your guildleader's alt so you flag him as Mooalt <Kergul>

Chat text

  • Feature 2: the Title in tooltip... poor old Arthus... he's having a hard time, but when you mouse over him your tooltip will now show <Rage> at the bottom. See this person is tagged as a Tree

Tooltip text

(TIP: don't make your titles too long)

  • Feature 3: Warnings given when you group with gimps... new character Moardots, he always stands in the fire, but you don't want to ignore him as he sells you primordial saronite for 50gold, lets give him the title Idiot and a note. One day you join an ICC10 man and you get the following alert:

Gimplist: Idiot detected: Moardots. Stands in fire.

Party Alert

  • Feature 4: you're a very angry young man... you've added half your server to your gimplist in your rage. You really don't want 20 alerts popping up on your screen when you go to wintergrasp... you can suppress the alerts in Battlegrounds & Wintergrasp.
  • Feature 5: an easy to use interface to manage your gimps
  • Feature 6: a list of the last 10 gimps that you saw, so that you can see the note of the "Gimp" you saw spamming trade chat
    Recent Gimps

Gimplist also works for people from different realms.
You can also share your gimps with friends, although this functionality is only for your current realm.
All other functionality should work if you have added cross realm gimps that you come across in Dungeon Finders and Instanced Battlegrounds

If a gimp changes their name then you're out of luck unfortunately, you'll only track the original name they used to have


P.S. Thanks and kudos go to the following addons & coders for their original ideas: Forumname2 (omni and arnath) & HaveWeMet? (lintydruid), plus the hordes of other addons I used to see how to do things smartly... e.g. ignoremore, goldenticket, impignore, sh.performance