GladiatorLosSA Remake

GladiatorLosSA Remake


Refreshed GladiatorLosSA for Cataclysm Classic

Why is this remake?

1. Rewritten about 90% of old code

2. Added easiest way to add spell in addon. Just open spelllist.lua and read head comments

2. Fixed all old bugs

  2.1 Fixed Load menu button. Don't need reopen AddOns Options.

  2.2 Fixed enemy's sound alert if they were invisible.

  2.3 Trinket sound depends of Enabled Locations, but not only arena

  2.4 Fixed unhidden spell tooltip in options

3. Added new function Enemy/Friend reflected toggles

4. Addon size weight is almost 10 times lower (2.8 mb against old ~= 20 mb)

5. Removed useless duel mode

7. Removed useless Custom ability option

Founded some new bugs? Please tell me about it in my GitHub GladiatorLosSA Issues