Gladiator Voice Alerter was designed to be the successor of the well known GladiatorlosSA.
Slash command
Type /gva or /gladiatorvoicealerter to see options.
Usage: /gva <options>
- on : Enable GVA"
- off : Disable GVA"
- minimap : Show/Hide minimap icon"
- resetpos : Reset the main frame position(Reload the UI)
What it can do :
- alert for the most spells known (atm too many)
- some options activated : on/off - focus/target - Output - GenderDetect - area select - Mass selection ( need work on diff profile later )
- offer a complete spell name and a smaller one ( when you click on a spell you will see 3 kinds of icons including a "S" meaning its shortened)
Voice Pack
English : EnUS Julie HP That's the traditional Julie Voice with a High Pass filter, usefull in some cases ( personally, i love it )
한국의(Korean) : koKR Yumi