This allows you to save most of your settings to load into another toon.
Interface Options for the bar itself.
Displays number of pets collected, how many are injured.
This shows you all your gold.
Displays: Spec, Item level, PVP (number of PVP items worn), BOA (number of heirloom gear worn), BAD (number of under level heirloom gear worn), MIA (number of missing gear)
Displays professions level, colored orange when you need to train, tips on where to gather, racial bonuses, etc.
This displays where you are and how fast you are going.
The Lag tooltip shows your current, minimum, maximum, and average latency.
Select your title
The guild tooltip shows you which of your guild members are online, their level, class, and location.
This lets you choose the font to use, and set default colors for the bar in normal, resting, and combat states.
Item Level Overlays for each piece of gear
This lets you turn modules on or off.
The XP tooltip displays your current, needed, and rested experience, how long it will take you to level, and how many kills/quests/gathers you need to level.
Displays number of mounts collected
Here you can set how many addons to display, change tracking from MEMory to CPU, choose to combine all 500 of the Glance entries to one line, etc.
This shows your current spec, stance, and equipment set.
This shows you what reputation(s) you are tracking and how much remains to the next level.
The Glance Bar
This shows how much it costs to repair, and your average/equipped item level.
Sorted from high to low, colored by percentage of use, and arrows telling you if the memory usage is increasing or decreasing.
Displays name, model, level, health, xp, type, description, source, and breed.
This lets you choose which emblems to display.
The reputation dropdown shows you what your reputation is with each faction. Select a faction to track it in the bar.
This shows you all your emblems and how many you have.
This allows you to set your spec and equipment set.
Displays mount, model, description, and source
Displays your title and how many you have earned
The FPS tooltip shows your current, minimum, maximum, and average frame rate.