Gnomish Vendor Shrinker (Redux)

Gnomish Vendor Shrinker (Redux)


based off of tekkub's Gnomish Vendor Shrinker,

after his leaving of the game after mists of pandaria many of us out there longed for the addons maintenance, 

Well, i did it.

its updated for 10.0.0 all vendors i could find are working even the special alt currency vendors.

GnomishVendorShrinker creates a simple, compact vendor frame, made to compliment GnomishAuctionShrinker. GVS brings an interface similar to Auctioneer's "CompactUI" to the vendor frame.


  • Simple one-line-per-item interface
  • Scrolling list, none of that "paging" crap that makes navigation slow
  • Clicking an item simply buys it, instead of picking up the item
  • Alt-click buys a full stack (or as close to a full stack as is possible for limited-stock items)
  • Ctrl- and shift-click behave as default (dress-up and paste link, respectively)
  • Recipes you do not yet know are highlighted in blue
  • Items you cannot use are highlighted in red
  • Search box to help you find that item you're after on a vendor with hundreds of items


  • No support for split-stack purchases, I'm not convinced it's needed.