



The GobbleGobble addon will keep a macro updated for you so you only need 1 singular key bind for health stones, healing potions, phial of serenity, crimson vial, exhilaration.

Order of use:

Currently the addon will use everything in the following order of preference (if resources are present)

1. Class ability (Rogue Crimson Vial / Hunter Exhilaration / Priest Desperate Prayer)

2. Health stone

3. Rejuvenating Siphoned Essence (Torghast Potion)

4. Spiritual Healing Potion

5. Phial of Serenity

6. Cosmic Healing Potion

If you have the old Spiritual healing potion in your bag, the addons macro will use these before the new one, once you are out, it will automatically skip it unless you restock.

** Phial of Serenity is now also on use separately using the Alt modifier (Alt + Keybind) , handy for tanks looking to clear necrotic stacks :)

Limitations of the addon:

This addon is basic, and as an addon / macro cannot be smarter than a player or automate play for a player, it relies on a cast sequence. What this means is that in the case of a Hunter, Rogue or Priest, when you use your class ability the healthstone is next. Once you have used your healthstone if your class ability is back off cd you will press the macro to use the ability, and you will again need to press it to skip the healthstone (while in combat) due to macro's being unable to update live while in combat.

How to configure:

To set this up, simply 
1. Install the addon

2. Create an empty macro with the name GobbleGobble (do not put anything in the main box this is done automatically)

3. Bind macro to your desired key bind

4. do a /reload 

It is this simple.

 This project was inspired by the original HAM authored by Snoopz_DC.