Goblin Mod

Goblin Mod


Makes your Goblin characters more zany. Adds more sounds to your daily life as a Goblin.


Simply add the folder to your Interface/AddOns folder, enable in the character select screen, and log into a Goblin!


No UI is currently implemented, but the configuration can be easily modified by editing the Rules.lua file in the mod folder. Instructions are contained for creating your own rules for the sounds.

To manually play the sounds, add "/goblinmod play soundname" to your macros, where soundname is the name of the sound located in Rules.lua. For example: "/goblinmod play zanylaugh".

Feel free to import your own sounds, and set them up in Rules.lua. Make sure they are in .ogg or .mp3 format.


  • Be sure to try /trade on a player!
  • Currently only configured for male goblins.