Gold Coin

Gold Coin


Shows the gold that you can see in your bags so you dont have to open your bags
You change of the text clour by right clicking the icon

You can click on the coin icon and then click on the text to move to anywere on the screen

if you want to change the clour of the text, type the class you are playing write as you see here

Class Colors 

  • Death Knight       =Red
  • Demon Hunter    = Dark Magenta
  • Druid                   = Orange
  • Evoker                = Dark Emerald
  • Hunter                 = Pistachio
  • Mage                  = Light Blue
  • Monk                  = Spring Green
  • Paladin               = Pink
  • Priest                  = White
  • Rogue                 = Yellow
  • Shaman              = Blue
  • Warlock              = Purple
  • Warrior               = Tan   

Note just type the class color with a Cap EG: Druid  NOT druid

in the Window pops up.

The colour won't save as of right now but it is a work in progress