Gold to Cash Value

Gold to Cash Value


Gold to Cash Value is a small addon that helps you visualize how much gold is worth in-game by displaying the real life monetary value in various places:


  • Chat Messages: Automatically appends the dollar value next to gold amounts mentioned in chat.
  • Bags: Displays the dollar value of the gold you have in your bags.
  • Vendor Prices: Shows the dollar value for items sold by vendors.
  • Item Tooltips: Shows the dollar value of an items sell price and auction price (with Auctionator)
  • Auction House: Adds the dollar value next to the buyout price of items in the Auction House.
  • Automatically updates the wow token when you login or manually by clicking the button in the options menu.
  • Disable features you don't like in the options menu.


  • /gtc Opens the options window where you can configure the addon's features.

Credits: Made by Richiep - Mankrik (US) with help from ChatGPT :).