


Sick of having to click on those pesky silver coins everytime you loot your fallen foes? Tired of the very lacking "Autoloot" option created by Blizzard that loots all that useless grey junk?

Then GoldLoot is the addon for you!

GoldLoot will allow you to automaticaly loot only the items you want, leaving all that useless junk behind and saving you innumerable clicks.

GoldLoot can autoloot any gold, quest items, profession materials, specific items, items above a certain rarity and much, much more. All this can be easily configured from an options menu available in the interface panel, alteratively available by typing "/gl" on your chatbox.

Custom Loot list(still need to figure out a way to make this fit in an interface, sugestions are welcome):

/gl add [itemlink]

to add the an item to the custom autoloot list (can add more then one item at once)

/gl delete [itemlink]

to remove an item from the custom autolool list (can remove more then one item at once)

/gl ilist

to show the list of items on your custom autoloot list

There are also a number of extra features that I added for for personal comodity, most not realy related to the general idea of GoldLoot but still usefull at times. These include autolooting and selling junk(grey items), auto-repair, auto-release in battlegrounds(execpt if you have a soulstone or similar stuff) and the ability to auto-buy specific items anytime you open a vendor.