- Command line actions only (/GT {Gold_Limit}; /GoldTaker {Gold_Limit})
- Upon opening Mailbox indicate addon ready for use (print message to screen)
- Only run if mailbox contains more than 50 items, display message indicating process cancelled if 50 or less
- Use slash command to enter gold amount, if in-game mail is equal or less than that amount and mailbox is greater than 50 items then system will retrieve the mail
- Display in chat window the records that were pulled
- Display total in chat window
- Add localization tables
- Update print messages to pull from localization
- Create SavedVariables file
- Build UI frames to display the following:
- Last gold limit set
- Recommended Gold limits based on records found within current mail
- Buttons to run process
- Store last gold limit set and record transactions to savedvariables