Text Commands:

/gep ep raid 500 -- Award the raid 500 EP

/gep ep list Taunt,Setback 50 -- Award 50 EP to Taunt & Setback

/gep decay -- Decays EP & GP by 10%

/gep reset -- Resets all EP & GP standings (to 0/100)

Whisper Commands:

/t Memerlord !gep standings rogue,hunter -- Return EPGP standings for all rogues & hunters in the guild, min prio of 1

/t Memerlord !gep standings rogue,hunter 5 -- Return EPGP standings for all rogues & hunters in the guild, min prio of 5

/t Memerlord !gep item Might -- Returns a list of all MC/BWL/Ony items with 'Might' in their name, along with a GP cost

/t Memerlord !gep player Taunt -- Returns the current EP & GP of Taunt

/t Memerlord !gep setspec Protection -- Update's the players member note to reflect their spec. (Warriors can only pick 'Protection', 'Fury', and 'Arms', as an example)


Ctrl + Left Click on an item to self loot it.

Alt + Left Click on an item in your loot window. This will create a raid warning asking for bids, and will open the bid screen.

Players can then message you + or - to bid on an item, and the bids will show up on the screen

You can press the 'Assign' button to assign the loot.

Hitting 'Yes' on the confirmation box will award the loot, and will assign the GP cost to the player.

** Updated for Curseforge -- release version