- 4
Error at Grid2Options/modules/statuses/StatusRange.lua:7 (found in Classic SOD)
#200 opened by AlexFolland - 1
bug report - border of each grid gets thick black & the grid health itself gets smaller in size.
#201 opened by strickland - 1
Spec load conditions doesn't update when changed through dungeon finder
#203 opened by EmElw - 1
Add shields option to health-current without percent
#202 opened by Thormeister - 2
Add decimals to Percent Format
#186 opened by Heimidall - 3
'players' Layout. Roles/Group section check/uncheck
#190 opened by GitNotus - 9
Load condition for when unit is alive only.
#188 opened by strickland - 1
SoD - Prayer of Mending
#189 opened by mpiivonen - 2
direction arrows stopped working after moddifications from last releases
#191 opened by strickland - 4
[Bug ?] Indicators not showing on Timewalking Dungeon
#194 opened by Choupiyan - 1
[BUG] Icons indicator cooldown swipe draws over stacks
#195 opened by jparac - 3
Color by status seems to have been broken all of a sudden.
#199 opened by Surarn - 6
Unit roles filter for classic
#196 opened by praxxis - 1
Not seeing "shields" and "shields-overflow" statuses in Classic SoD 1.15.0
#197 opened by k3rp - 3
SoD Rangecheck infight
#207 opened by kbinz - 0
[Request] Anchor Icons Indicator together.
#204 opened by Unmoist - 4
Question? Is it possible to show 1000k HP as 1m(million)
#205 opened by Thormeister - 2
[Request] expanding grid2
#206 opened by Derpytickle - 4
Is it possible to have a custom layout with tanks in different rows?
#208 opened by DavidPHH - 6
Few Issues with logs and clip
#212 opened by epicowo - 3
The nickname font is not loaded
#213 opened by ohryk - 5
current health fully shown
#210 opened by KisyaDD - 2
Issue with readycheck
#211 opened by strickland - 8
Stale/dead frame after leaving party or raid
#217 opened by telias82 - 0
Frame bugs?
#214 opened by Unmoist - 16
Frame bugs?
#215 opened by Unmoist - 1
Role sort in custom layout
#216 opened by epicowo - 2
Grid2 API points
#218 opened by guilliotine13 - 1
Grid2 3.4.3 Custom Color Error
#219 opened by Redledr - 0
Battleground Blitz (8v8) theme load condition
#221 opened by denerka - 1
[Feature request] Order auras in a Buff Group
#231 opened by vitor-f2f - 4
Resurrection icon stuck
#223 opened by martheli - 6
Debuff tooltip showing wrong spell
#224 opened by martheli - 4
Add player role to load condition
#225 opened by martheli - 5
Feature Request - Simplify spell options from raid debuffs menu
#226 opened by martheli - 1
Cataclysm Classic - Can't configure statuses (buffs/debuffs)
#228 opened by holypalaswe - 3
Cataclysm Classic Issues/Lua Errors
#227 opened by joshlathery - 2
Cata Classic - Error in StatusRange for DKs
#229 opened by lordblackadder - 2
SoD - Debuff duplication on debuffs blacklist.
#230 opened by Brae22 - 2
[Feature request] Default profile when first using the addon
#232 opened by holypalaswe - 4
Summon Icon stuck
#233 opened by martheli - 6
[Request] Grid2StatusSpellCast implementation
#234 opened by Brae22 - 15
[Request] heal-absorbs for Cataclysm
#235 opened by gonstr - 2
Is it possible to enable pings on frames?
#236 opened by drnoonien - 1
Dynamic deficit color
#237 opened by andre-dsm - 2
Cataclysm - Wrong Incoming direct heals values
#238 opened by SilAntoine - 2
[SoD] Instance Name/ID not working properly.
#239 opened by Brae22 - 8
When a death occurs, effective heal does not reset timely (sometimes)
#240 opened by furtivex - 1
Feature Request - Improve ways to move frames
#241 opened by martheli - 1
Feature Request - Show Current Health Percent
#242 opened by martheli