


<big>Grid plugin to show who was healed by your multi-target healing spells.</big> deDE Zeigt auf Grid die durch Eure Heilungszauber der mehrerer Ziele geheilt wurde. esES Mostrar en Grid que fue sanada por tus hechizos de curación de múltiples objetivos. frFR Afficher dans Grid à ceux qui vie rendus par vos sorts de soins de multiples cibles. itIT Mostrare sulla Grid che è stato curato dalle tue incantesimi curative di multipli obiettivi. ptBR Mostrar no Grid que foi curado por seu feitiços de cura de múltiplos alvos. ruRU Показывает в Grid, кто был вылечен Вашими АОЕ-заклинаниями. koKR 당신의 다중 대상에 대한 치유를 표시합니다. zhCN 在Grid里显示你的群体治疗法术的治疗目标 zhTW 在Grid中顯示群體治療法術的目標

The “Heal Trace” status activates briefly after you heal a group member with an AoE or multi-target healing spell, so you can see who was healed. By default, it traces healing from Chain Heal, Chi Burst, Chi Torpedo, Chi Wave, Circle of Healing, Divine Hymn, Healing Sphere, Holy Nova, Holy Radiance, Light of Dawn, Tranquility, Uplift, and Wild Mushroom: Bloom.

The status can be assigned to any indicator, and you can adjust its color and priority, as well as add more healing spells to trace, in Grid’s status options.

Language Support

Works in all languages. Translated into English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Português, Русский, 한국어, 简体中文, and 繁體中文. To add or update translations for any language, please enter them on the CurseForge project page, and then send me a PM to let me know you’ve made changes.


If you are reporting a bug, please make sure you have the latest version of the addon from this page, and then include detailed instructions I can follow to reproduce the bug myself, whether the bug still happens when all other addons are disabled, and the exact text of the accompanying error message (if any).