



  • Development of Grindon is currently paused as I do not have enough time to work on it. That does not mean you should not use Grindon as the core features are done.


  • Grindon helps you measure performance of grinding by telling you what, how much and how often do you loot something.


  • /grindon - Main Grindon window
  • /startgrind - Start Grindon segment
  • /stopgrind - Stop Grindon segment


  • Start and stop segments of grinding
  • Measure performance of grinding spots, routes and much more
  • See what, how much and how often do you loot things in standalone frame.
  • History of your segments so you can compare them easily.
  • Enable and disable optional plugins.


  • Start working on localization
  • Add more features to history like sorting, categories and favourites segments
  • More customization options for widget and current plugins
  • More plugins which will cover most of activities that are somehow connected to "grinding"

Current plugins

  • Default

    • As Grindon is not covering many activies yet, default plugin is tracking all items you loot and placing them into categories.
  • Currencies

    • Track loot of all currencies and money
  • Professions

    • Count how many and which nodes did you take
    • Initial support for Battle for Azeroth and Legion
    • Mining
    • Herbalism
    • Skinning

Release channels

  • Release - Stable and tested builds. Recommended for most users.
  • Alpha - Latest features but latest bugs as well.


  • If you have any idea for a new plugin or a feature to current plugins or anything, write a comment or contact me directly.
  • If you encounter any bug please report it to Issues/Comments here on CurseForge