

Description page last updated January 20, 2017 - 23:39 CEST/UTC+1


While I am not currently working on addons, I have not abandoned it completely. I will try to keep it updated to the latest patch.

Latest changes

Updated for 7.1.5 and fixed a bug that caused an error.

Added option to automatically put your pet on defensive
Added option to prevent your pet from going after a target that isn't fighting when casting Kill Command

Your pet will now only attack your target if you are in combat and that target has a target (auto action)
Fixed an issue with the new survival hunter growl feature on foreign clients

Now makes survival hunters cast growl on bosses if growl auto action is on (autocast is kept off and there is no alert)
Auto action no longer triggers when casting traps that doesn't require a target
Now also triggers the group notification if a warlock pet is taunting
Now only triggers the group notification in pve instances
No longer triggers the group notification when growl is cast on a boss

Fixed a problem that prevented bindings from being cleared if no auto action option was selected
Fixed a problem that were causing a lag spike on foreign clients whenever override bindings were set or reset

Stealth autocast is now off by default
Fixed an issue that prevented keybinds on ExtraActionButton to function
Fixed an issue that were causing errors for non-hunters
Fixed a problem that prevented the bar from hiding when dead
Fixed some issues with keybinds and some types of override bars

Fixed an issue that prevented the bar from showing up again after taking a flight path
Fixed a problem that severely increased memory usage
Made the bar dragable by the pet portrait and health bar
Fixed an issue that caused an error when calling a pet during combat
Fixed an issue that caused an error for people who had the addon M6, but had it disabled


Growler was originally simply an addon that kept track of whether growl was on autocast when it shouldn't be. It has now been extended to keep track of other pet functions, and helps you take quick action by flashing an appropriate macro on the addon bar. You also send a warning to your group if another player's pet is growling, so other classes can use it as well. Pet functions include:

- Pet attack
- Follow/Stay/MoveTo
- Talent ability
- Family ability
- Growl autocast
- Call / Revive / Mend Pet
- Play Dead / Wake Up
- Passive / Assist
Other functions:

- Handle some functions automatically when attacking
- Easy access to calling / dismissing / taming pets
- Easy access to respeccing your pets
- Check out your stables on the go (you need to visit it once to initialize the database)

- Slash commands (type /growler or /growl to see a list or scroll to the bottom of this page)
- You can right-click an active button to snooze for a set amount of time

You have the option to toggle any of these functions as well as sound, blinking screen icons, the group warning and pretty much anything else from the interface options menu.

Work in progress:

Items marked with (done) will be out with the next update
- Improving the internal structure.

To-do list:

- Stable support for multiple hunters on the same account
- Individual snooze timers for each spell on buttons with multiple spells
- Translations for other languages
- Interface for browsing all pets to see their model, location, abilities etc.
- More information on the stables page
- Key bindings
- Support for Warlocks
- Support for other addons, especially bar mods like Dominos and macro mods like Gnomesequencer and M6

Recent bug fixes

- Fixed an issue with the new survival hunter growl feature on foreign clients
- Fixed a problem that prevented bindings from being cleared if no auto action option was selected
- Fixed a problem that were causing a lag spike on foreign clients whenever override bindings were set or reset
- Fixed a problem that prevented bindings from being cleared if no auto action option was selected
- Fixed a problem that were causing a lag spike on foreign clients whenever override bindings were set or reset
- Fixed an issue that prevented keybinds on ExtraActionButton to function
- Fixed an issue that were causing errors for non-hunters

Known issues

- If you have more than one pet with the same name and family with you, the icons may show the wrong slot as the active one

Slash commands

Note that except for help, settings, displaynews, usegrowlemote and notify, these commands will only work on a hunter. These commands CAN be used in combat:
/growl help - Shows this list.
/growl settings - Brings up the settings panel.
/growl stables - Open the stables browser.
/growl displaynews - Display messages about recent updates upon login.
/growl hidedefaultbar on/off - Hides the default pet bar
/growl usegrowlemote on/off - Let me /growl at people again.. (requires /reload)
/growl slashmsg on/off - Enables/disables confirmation messages from these commands.
/growl sound on/off - Enables/disables sounds.
/growl remind on/off - Keep/stop making sounds when no action is taken.
/growl notify on/off - Notify group when another player's pet is using growl.
/growl screenicons on/off - Enable/disable blinking icons at the center of the screen.
/growl snooze 5-300 - For how long should alerts be delayed after right-clicking it.
/growl mendat 0.1-1 - At how much health% should Growler alert for Mend Pet.

These commands can NOT be used combat:
/growl buttons on/off - Enables/disables action buttons.
/growl nonparty on/off - Enables/disables growl alert when not in a party.
/growl petbuttons on/off - Shows/hides call/dismiss pet buttons.
/growl specbuttons on/off - Shows/hides pet respec buttons.
/growl petsbottom on/off - Displays the call/dismiss pet buttons at the bottom of the bar, rather than at the top.
/growl specsbottom on/off - Displays the pet respec buttons at the bottom of the bar, rather than at the top.
/growl barsize 0.8-2 - Change the size of the bar.
/growl savepos on/off - Remember where you put the bar.

/growl petattack on/off - Show/hide pet attack button.
/growl command on/off - Show/hide pet movement command button.
/growl hotp on/off - Enable/disable Heart of the Phoenix.
/growl laststand on/off - Enable/disable Last Stand.
/growl special on/off - Show/hide pet family special ability button.
/growl growl on/off - Enable/disable alert for Growl.
/growl call on/off - Enable/disable alert for Call Pet.
/growl revive on/off - Enable/disable alert for Revive Pet.
/growl mend on/off - Enable/disable alert for Mend Pet.
/growl playdead on/off - Enable/disable alert for Play Dead.
/growl wakeup on/off - Enable/disable alert for Wake Up.
/growl passive on/off - Enable/disable alert for putting your pet on passive.
/growl assist on/off - Enable/disable alert for putting your pet on assist.

/growl autocast on/off - Enable/disable alert about any autocast abilities (except for Growl).
/growl basicattacks on/off - Enable/disable alert for Basic Attacks.
/growl bullheaded on/off - Enable/disable alert for Bullheaded.
/growl charge on/off - Enable/disable alert for Charge.
/growl dash on/off - Enable/disable alert for Dash.
/growl spiritmend on/off - Enable/disable alert for Spirit Mend.
/growl roarofsacrifice on/off - Enable/disable alert for Roar of Sacrifice.
/growl thunderstomp on/off - Enable/disable alert for Thunderstomp.
/growl stealth on/off - Enable/disable alert for Stealth abilities.
/growl mortalwounds on/off - Enable/disable alert for Mortal Wounds abilities.
/growl slow on/off - Enable/disable alert for Slowing abilities.
/growl shielding on/off - Enable/disable alert for Shielding abilities.

/growl autogrowl on/off - Set Growl and autocast abilities to the chosen setting automatically when you cast certain spells.
/growl autopetattack on/off - Make your pet automatically attack your target when you cast certain spells.
/growl autocall on/off - Automatically wake up your pet when you cast certain spells (Beast Measter only).
/growl autorevive on/off - Automatically call your saved pet when you cast certain spells.
/growl autowakeup on/off - Automatically revive your pet when you cast certain spells.
/growl autoplaydead on/off - Make your pet Play Dead when you cast Feign Death.
/growl autoassist on/off - Automatically put your pet on assist when you cast certain spells.

You can also put these in a macro or type it in chat to fire a click on the growler buttons:

/click GrowlerBtn_attack
/click GrowlerBtn_command
/click GrowlerBtn_talent
/click GrowlerBtn_special
/click GrowlerBtn_growl
/click GrowlerBtn_call
/click GrowlerBtn_playdead
/click GrowlerBtn_passive
/click GrowlerBtn_assist