- 5
#1722 opened by rfellows-ops - 2
[ENH] Support for NDui
#1721 opened by LifeIsBrilliant - 1
[ENH] Add Actionbar override support to ButtonForge.
#1720 opened by msc6399 - 1
[ENH] Maybe look into adding "ButtonForge" (on CurseForge) as an actionbar for GSE. Most of the features of Bartender, but light weight. Been using it for several years.
#1719 opened by msc6399 - 6
[BUG] PerformOneOffEvents LUA error in 3.2.18b-1 and 3.2.18b
#1718 opened by sardinecommits - 4
[ENH] Allow binding to a LAB "Page" for Actionbar Overrides - (ElvUI/BT4/ConsolePort)
#1717 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[BUG] Attempting to import a previously deleted sequence fails
#1715 opened by v8bt97yn - 3
[BUG] Clear Keybinds option breaks the main menu Keybinds button
#1714 opened by v8bt97yn - 8
[BUG] No Skyriding controls via Consoleport with GSE enabled
#1713 opened by themrjawbones