Guidelime_Robsie's Outland Dungeon/Quest Guide

Guidelime_Robsie's Outland Dungeon/Quest Guide


A group of friends and I are looking to mainly spam dungeons to hit 70, and aren't looking to deal with the competition of open-world questing right on release. Decided to write up a guide list to help us on our journey on what looks to be one of the more optimal journeys for our Horde group (Druid tank, Priest healer, Mage, Warlock, Warrior DPS).  I'm looking to optimize this as the launch gets closer but wanted to get an early version out and published as I believe its core is mostly there.

I referenced many sources for ideas and basic information reasons but the core dungeon rush came mainly from: so credit is due there.

If you have any issues with this, feel free to let me know on Curse and I'll try to solve it as soon as possible, also suggestions are always welcome. <3