Guidelime_Summersisle | Horde | 1-70 |

Guidelime_Summersisle | Horde | 1-70 |


***This guide is a work in progress. I am currently leveling a Blood Elf Paladin and creating the guide as I level. I am recieving boosts and doing dungeons so some of the level ranges might be a little off. My plan is to level another toon 1-70 without rested xp once I complete this paladin******

GuideLime is required to use this guide.

I have leveled quite a few characters both in Retail (Vanilla, TBC, WoTK) and in Classic. I used to level by basically bumbling from zone to zone completing quests in a random order. Super inefficient. So I found some guides, these were all out of game and hard to follow. Along came Guidelime for this latest 1-60 grind to prepare for TBC launch, much to my amazement there was only a handful of guides that were 1-60 and they either were tailored to a single class or had a decent amount of just mob grinding. As there isn't a guide that has what I want, I have decided to create my own based off my vast knowledge of Wow leveling. So if you are like me and you want a smooth leveling experience with minimal grinding then read on.

What to expect from this guide

  • Minimal grinding - Grinding on just mobs for xp isn't a ton of fun. As this is classic there is a requirement to do that in some stages. I promise whenever you have to grind I will suggest the best place to grind. Also it will always be at the end of the level.
  • Questing - This guide is meant to be used to level from 1-70 pretty efficiently with quests. You will not be running dungeons, you will not be boosting.
  • Not fresh friendly - At times this guide will direct you to kill mobs at or slightly above your level. In order to do that you will require consumes, gear, enchants, etc I would not suggest this guide if you are rolling on a fresh server.
  • No dungeons - This guide does not require you to run any dungeons. I have created separate dungeon chapters to collect all the quests for all the specific dungeons so if you do choose to do them you can complete all the quests. (Great alternative to the mandatory grinds) I highly suggest you run a dungeon once complete the quests then move on.

General Leveling Tips

Well Fed gives Stam and Spirit. Make sure you are always Well Fed when killing

Sharpening Stones and Wizard Oil can be used starting at level 5. Make sure you have 100% uptime when killing.

No professions are required but Herbalism is nice to have as Find Herbs can be used to find some quest pods.


Here are some enchants that I would highly recommend bordering on required

+ 100 Health to Chest - More Health less likely to die. Dying adds a ton of time to leveling

Move speed to boots - You run everywhere even when you have a mount you still run between mobs and within buildings. Get this enchant on every pair of boots you have.

Weapon Enchants

1-10 Firey Enchant. When it procs it will 1 shot the mob


Either Mighty Spirit or Mighty Intellect. Less downtime more killing


Fiery then later on Crusader.


  1. I am X level how do I start your guide - "That is the joys of Guidelime, just start at the chapter that is closest to your level and it will deal with the rest. If you have not done a ton of questing you may need to skip some of the lower level quests to catch up"