Guild Bank List Creator

Guild Bank List Creator


The Guild Bank List Creator helps you to export a list of items in bags and bank in human readable format accompanied with Wowhead item links.

You can paste the list to any platform you want. If you're managing your bank in Discord, this addon is perfect match for that.

To generate the list, just type /gblc

Command line options:
/gblc help
/gblc status
/gblc limit (number)
/gblc nolimit
/gblc links true|false
/gblc stack true|false
/gblc csv true|false  (New in version 0.4)
/gblc exclude item name (count) (New in version 0.5)
/gblc exclude id itemID (count) (New in version 0.5)
/gblc include item name (count) (New in version 0.5)
/gblc include id itemID (count) (New in version 0.5)
/gblc clearitem item name (New in version 0.5)
/gblc clearitem id itemID (New in version 0.5)
/gblc clearlist (New in version 0.5)

Help shows a short help for the addon.

Status shows your settings: limit number and wether you want to show Wowhead links or not.

Limit sets character limit for adding additional linefeed which is followed by "List continued" text. This is useful if you're pasting the list to Discord which has limited to 2000 characters per post. Set this to zero if you don't want added linefeeds.

Nolimit is the same as limit 0.

Links True adds Wowhead links for each item to the final list.

Links False hides Wowhead links

Stack True activates stacking of items with the same name

Stack False shows individual bag items

Csv True makes the addon output the list in CSV format. This also deactivates character limiter.

Csv False makes the addon output the list in original format. Character limiter is active.

Exclusion list (account wide).

Now you can add items to be excluded from the final list. Good for removing Hearthstones or other items that are private for the alt. Excluded items are listed as separate list after the main list.

New commands are:

/gblc exclude item name (count)    - Excludes item with given name. If no value is given for count, it is set to 1.

Example: /gblc exclude Silk Cloth 200

Excludes 200 Silk Cloth from the list. The addon lists total amount-200 silk cloth on the list.

/gblc exclude id itemID (count)    - Excludes item with given itemID. If no value is given for count, it is set to 1.

Example: /gblc exclude id 4306 200

Excludes 200 Silk Cloth from the list. The addon lists total amount-200 silk cloth on the list.

/gblc include item name (count)    - Includes excluded items back to main list. If no value is given for count, it is set to 1.

Example: /gblc include Silk Cloth 200

Moves 200 Silk Cloth back from the exclusion list. If the exclusion amount reaches zero, the addon automatically deletes the exclusion list entry.

/gblc include item id itemID (count)    - Includes excluded items back to main list. If no value is given for count, it is set to 1.

Example: /gblc include id 4306 200

Moves 200 Silk Cloth back from the exclusion list. If the exclusion amount reaches zero, the addon automatically deletes the exclusion list entry.

/gblc clearitem item name    - Clears item name from the exclusion list.

Example: /gblc clearitem Silk Cloth

Removes Silk Cloth entry from the exclusion list.

/gblc clearitem id itemID    - Clears item itemID from the exclusion list.

Example: /gblc clearitem id 4306

Removes Silk Cloth entry from the exclusion list.

/gblc clearlist    - Clears the exclusion list.

Please  note that with exclusion list you are possibly dealing with items which your character doesn't have on them or even have seen. This raises errors because on how Blizzard has made the system. So don't be alarmed if there's some "Unseen item with ID number".


Guild Bank List Creator main window