Guild Bank Sort

Guild Bank Sort


Helps keep your guild bank clean and tidy.

Stacks and sorts items based on your priorities and flags.


  • Assigning priorities
  • Assigning flags
  • Assigning stack sizes
  • Whitelist/Blacklist items
  • All tabs sorting
  • Current tab sorting
  • Switch between profiles based on your current preference

You can add priorities from 1-6 (all items in the guild bank start at 3.5 by default) so items with priority 1 will always be sorted first and items with priority 6 will always be sorted last.

You can also choose which items should always go in a specific tab using the flag system.

Perhaps you don't want to sort all items. You can easily ignore items using the Whitelist/Blacklist feature.

Priorities and Flags Assignment

Below is shown the order at which the addon chooses which priority and flag to assign each item.

  • If option to sort by expansion first:
  • itemId -> expansion -> item sub type -> item type -> default value

  • if option to sort by item type first:
  • itemId -> item sub type -> item type -> expansion -> default value

Overflowing when using flag assignments

When assigning items to specific tabs there is a possibility that the assigned items will exceed the allowed 98 items per tab. This means that any items being sorted after the 98th item will be sorted as if it has no flag assignment. If using the all tabs sorting it will simply sort to the first available slot starting from tab 1 and if using the current tab sorting it will find the first available slot in the current tab. This might not make your sort perfect but it will be better than the alternative which is completely random.

Note: The items will still get sorted based on your priorities and any item that where supposed to be assigned a tab will be sorted before and with a higher priority than items without any assigned tab.

Item Type and Item Sub Type

It is now possible to add priorities and flags based on item Types and item Sub Types.

This feature uses localized names so if the game language is not in english please refer to the list provided in the settings to find the correct names.

If you are using the non english client and you encounter an item type that does not seem to function please let me know and I will fix it manually. Most likely any item types that are divided into more than 1 word, such as "Battle Pets", will not function properly.

See below link for a full list of all item Types and item Sub Types or check out the settings ingame using /gbs settings for a full list of supported types and examples of how to use this feature.


It is now possible to add priorities and flags based on the expansion items are from.

Sort by expansion by adding priorities and flags using each expansions abbreviation to assign the expansion. See below list for all abbreviations or check out the ingame settings using /gbs settings for a list of all expansion and associated abbreviations and examples of how to use this feature.

  • Classid = classic
  • The Burning Crusade = bc
  • Wrath of the Lich King = wotlk
  • Cataclysm = cataclysm
  • Mists of Pandaria = mop
  • Warlords of Draenor = wod
  • Legion = legion
  • Battle for Azeroth = bfa
  • Shadowlands = shadowlands
  • Dragonflight = dragonflight

Whitelisting and Blacklisting

Choose exactly which items you want to sort and which items you want to ignore using the whitelisting and blacklisting feature.

Check out the new option "Blacklist behavior" in the settings tab on how the addon will deal with blacklisted items.

By blacklisting items/itemTypes/expansion you can completely ignore items as you desire. If you want to ignore all items from a specific itemType but there is a few select items that you still want to sort simply add the itemType to the blacklist and add the few items to the whitelist. Now it will completely ignore all the items from that itemType except the ones you whitelisted.

Want to only sort a handful of items? fear not, you can easily blacklist all items by using the slash command:

  • /gbs blacklist add All Items
    • /gbs ba All Items

this way you can quickly choose just a handful of items or perhaps only a specific expansion or itemType to sort.

Custom Stack Sizes

customize the stack size of each item as you see fit.

With this feature you can customize each item to have a specific stack size. When the sorting begins, if you choose to stack items then this feature will stack and split all items with a specific stack count that you have set such that each stack has exactly the specified count.

By default stacking items will always stack them to their max stack count.

What type, subtype and expansion does an item belong to?

If you are in doubt which type, subtype or expansion an item belongs to simply use the slash commands to find out.

  • /gbs item type itemLink/itemId - Get the type and subtype of an item
  • /gbs it itemLink/itemId - Get the type and subtype of an item
  • /gbs item expansion itemLink/itemId - Get the expansion of an item
  • /gbs ie itemLink/itemId - Get the expansion of an item
  • /gbs item info itemLink/itemId - Get both the type, subtype and expansion of an item
  • /gbs ii itemLink/itemId - Get both the type, subtype and expansion of an item


Profiles are now implemented.

Create, copy, reset and delete profiles. The Default profile can not be deleted to ensure that there is always at least 1 profile.

Each character select which profile to use on that character, by default it starts with the default profile.

Get easy access to the exact priorities and flags you need by simply swapping profiles, no more having to redo all priorities and flags when your situation change, simply create a new profile.

Share your profile easily with your friends, guildies or anyone else by using the Import/Export feature.

Slash commands:

  • /gbs settings - Opens the settings window

  • /gbs sort all tabs - Sort all tabs in the guild bank
  • /gbs sat - Sort all tabs in the guild bank
  • /gbs sort current tab - Sort current tab in the guild bank
  • /gbs sct- Sort current tab in the guild bank
  • /gbs sort stop - Stop sorting the guild bank
  • /gbs ss - Stop sorting the guild bank

  • /gbs item type itemLink/itemId - Get the type and subtype of an item
  • /gbs it itemLink/itemId - Get the type and subtype of an item
  • /gbs item expansion itemLink/itemId - Get the expansion of an item
  • /gbs ie itemLink/itemId - Get the expansion of an item
  • /gbs item info itemLink/itemId - Get both the type, subtype and expansion of an item
  • /gbs ii itemLink/itemId - Get both the type, subtype and expansion of an item

  • /gbs priority add number itemLink/itemId/itemType - Adds the priority to the itemId/itemType
  • /gbs pa number itemLink/itemId/itemType - Adds the priority to the itemId/itemType
  • /gbs priority remove itemLink/itemId/itemType - Removes the priority to the itemId/itemType
  • /gbs pr itemLink/itemId/itemType - Removes the priority to the itemId/itemType

  • /gbs flag add number itemLink/itemId/itemType - Adds the flag to the itemId/itemType
  • /gbs fa number itemLink/itemId/itemType - Adds the flag to the itemId/itemType
  • /gbs flag remove itemLink/itemId/itemType - Removes the flag from the itemId/itemType
  • /gbs fr itemLink/itemId/itemType - Removes the flag from the itemId/itemType

  • /gbs stack add number itemLink/itemId - Adds the stack number to the itemId
  • /gbs sa number itemLink/itemId - Adds the stack number to the itemId
  • /gbs stack remove itemLink/itemId - Removes the stack from the itemId
  • /gbs sr itemLink/itemId - Removes the stack from the itemId

  • /gbs whitelist add itemLink/itemId/itemType - Add the itemId/itemtype to the whitelist
  • /gbs wa itemLink/itemId/itemType - Add the itemId/itemtype to the whitelist
  • /gbs whitelist remove itemLink/itemId/itemType - Remove the itemId/itemType from the whitelist
  • /gbs wr itemLink/itemId/itemType - Remove the itemId/itemType from the whitelist

  • /gbs blacklist add itemLink/itemId/itemType - Add the itemId/itemtype to the blacklist
    • /gbs ba itemLink/itemId/itemType - Add the itemId/itemtype to the blacklist
    • /gbs blacklist remove itemLink/itemId/itemType - Remove the itemId/itemType from the blacklist
    • /gbs br itemLink/itemId/itemType - Remove the itemId/itemType from the blacklist

Ideas for new features:

  • Put x stacks of y amount into a specific tab