Interface for configuring how active (total guild activity) a character has to be to be automatically promoted to a particular rank.
Interface for configuring what ranks to check when looking for eligible characters for promotion.
Interface for configuring what characters are exempt from demotion (if Demote Mode is on).
Interface showing the Prune Exemption List (for characters) Controls, and the Black List (banned characters) Controls.
Interface for configuring what announcements to make to the guild and at what frequency.
Interface for configuring what, where, and when to post your guild recruitment message.
Interface for configuring what level a character has to be to be automatically promoted to a particular rank.
Interface for configuring how many people to recruit, what to tell them when they join, and what to tell them if they decline.
Interface for configuring who to search for and recruit.
Interface for configuring how and when to remove people from the guild. The addon will remove by level, inactivity (measured in days offline), or both. You can also designate exemptions for alts, ranks, and characters.