Guild Recruiter

Guild Recruiter



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Guild Recruiter is now, the official replacement for FGI. It is a guild recruitment addon that allows you to send messages to players that are not in a guild. It also has a scanner that will scan the area around you for players that are not in a guild. You can then invite them to your guild.

Warning: Utilization of a guild recruitment addon can lead to a player being flagged for spamming. Please use this addon responsibly.

This goes for any guild recruitment addon, not just Guild Recruiter.


  • Guild Master can force certain options to be use by other officers/recruiters.
  • Sync your lists, messages, and settings with other guild recruiters.
  • Custom messages with ability to embed your guild link.
  • Guild greeting message when a player joins, that you invited.
  • Whispered message to player when they join.
  • Anti Spam Features:
    • Ignore players in zones that are PVP or current seasonal raid/dungeon.
    • Once invite is sent will not invite that player again for 7 to 180 days.
    • Able to add players to a black list, so they do not get future invites.
  • Much more!


  • Use /gr or /recruiter to access the addon outside the minimap icon.
  • /gr help or /recruiter help to see a list of options you can use.
  • Make sure you go into the settings to add a message, custom filters etc.
  • To move the screen, click the lock next to the X button. When it is green, you can move the screen. Click the lock again to lock it in place.

There is a filter by class and another by race that is included with the addon.


This is a new addon and while I have been working hard to debug it, I am sure there will be issues.