Guild Roster Manager (GRM)

Guild Roster Manager (GRM)



Check out the official website here for much more detailed addon info


Join Discord Here or Copy This Link:

Join up to chat about the addon, offer suggestions, report bugs, or even just chat about guild management related things. All help in this regard is greatly appreciated! I respond much faster to Discord posts than I do anywhere else and am more likely to respond faster to any issues you might be encountering.


Snapshot of features (more details with screenshots on website)

  • Automatically syncing data! That's right! The data we are about to go over will be shared with other GRM addon users in your guild to help keep all players on the same page, especially the leadership. The editing privileges can also be controlled so only trusted ranks will have the power to share their edits with others.
  • Alt/Main management - Easily set groupings
  • Macro Tool to assist in kicking inactive players, promoting players, and demoting players
  • No need to click each name in the roster now. You can just Mouse Over a player in the guild roster and a window will appear with their details
  • Mouseover window has additional player details beyond the defaults: *
    • Join Date, Promotion Date, as well as their histories (like the date of each promotion)
    • Player's RL birthday can be set
    • List of alts, as well as the "main" in the alt grouping.
    • A new custom note with 150 character limit can be set.
    • Character counts when editing the player notes *
  • Upcoming Join Date Anniversaries and Birthdays can be easily added to the in-game Guild Calendar (Unavailable in Classic Vanilla or TBC)
  • Ban List that will inform you if someone banned rejoins the guild
  • Auto-Add join date to public, officer, or custom note when a player joins the guild
  • Guild Log Notification for when changes have occurred: *
    • Joined or Rejoined log entries (with who did the invite in Retail version)
    • Kicked or Left (with who kicked in Retail)
    • Level Up notification
    • Changes to public, officer, and custom notes
    • Notification if an inactive player returns
    • Promotions or Demotions (and who did them in Retail)
    • Name-Change detection
    • Recommendations to remove a player if offline too long, based on setting.
    • and several others. *
  • Export Tool to make it easy to export all guild player details, including core player details as well as GRM specific. Export the Log, as well as former member details too.
  • Notifications can be set for players to inform you if say, a guildie is inactive, when they become active again.

Click here for short video explanation of the addon

Features Detailed In More Depth On Site

Check out the official website here for much more detailed addon info