


Missing items/glyphs/recipes megathread

Belrand opened this issue · 8 comments


Current list can be found here

Missing items will added/removed from the list as they're discovered/fixed

About the missing items

Some Items seem to be missing from Guildbook, to keep better track of those little rascals, I'm opening this thread.

If you find any missing items, glyphs or recipes, please comment in this thread with the name of the item and (if possible) its ID (wowhead link works best, just make sure you're on the Wrath of the Lich King Database).
Don't forget to state in what locale (English, German, French, etc) the item is missing (a missing item in a non English locale, might be present in the English locale).

I will add them A.S.A.P to the tracked list above


Missing in English
Eternal Belt Buckle (41611)

Missing in French
Boucle de ceinture éternelle (411611)


Hi there,
the following JC recipe is missing:

Thanks in advance.


Thanks 👍 , someone reported it last week, but I somehow missed it


i'm trying to remember what i was doing to get the data.
I believe you gathered it from Wowhead as I remember seeing some debug items that were present during PTR/Beta before Launch and would explain the missing items (as the devs needed to "unfuse" items from Retail)

I believe someone made a Lib to get all recipes from wowhead, don't know if this might help you though


Oh wow am i late to the party, i'm trying to remember what i was doing to get the data. I'll have to have a look and add these item IDs to a script.

Is the addon still even used?


Yes :P :D