- 6
Profession recipes identification with extra Profession addons
#70 opened by asa-git - 1
attempt to concatenate field 'zone' (a nil value)
#71 opened by b-morgan - 3
Not Compatible with Bohemian DKP
#73 opened by bellamoon23 - 1
add item linkability
#74 opened by rilliam - 5
Trying to help removing duplicates in GuildbookAvatarPickerMixin
#75 opened by Yarillo4 - 0
Getting issues
#76 opened by dabilos - 0
table expected, got string
#77 opened by Scoottie24 - 3
GuildBook Apprently Destroyed my Guildies Wow account
#78 opened by NoXidin - 1
Random lua error after the last update
#123 opened by Pocokk - 0
Lua error with 4.98
#79 opened by b-morgan - 26
Update 4.981 broke gathermate2
#81 opened by luitzifa - 1
Item Suffixes and stats not showing
#82 opened by rilliam - 0
Profession (Blacksmithing) shows crafts from multiple professions
#87 opened by paalhm - 1
Error while opening crafting window when using TSM
#85 opened by luitzifa - 0
Crash when loging in to wow
#89 opened by Moogrok - 0
enchant recipes, gear, talents wont show
#90 opened by dennis89jemta - 4
Enchanting recipe scanning is broken after code tidy commit (version 4.9832)
#93 opened by xbend - 1
GB error on load in TBC Classic (GB version 4.9832, WoW 2.5.3)
#94 opened by nafung - 0
Templates.lua:631: attempt to call global 'loadGuildMemberTradeskills' (a nil value)
#95 opened by rbpaiett - 1
[Issue] Enchanting / (maybe others) Not Tied to Recipe Filter
#96 opened by illutian - 0
Character profession filter not working
#97 opened by raymatus - 3
Notice 00100 in every Guild Member
#102 opened by xJimmyDeluxex - 1
Core.lua line 1158 error
#103 opened by b-morgan - 4
Lua error in ModBlizzUI.lua
#104 opened by b-morgan - 1
Undead portraits not automatically created
#105 opened by eTzmNcbkrng - 3
Lua Errors
#107 opened by MurderOnMyMind7 - 2
2 new Lua errors on 4.9941a
#106 opened by Ulidan - 13
Guildbook debugg window
#108 opened by elfluna666 - 2
Guild tab not working
#109 opened by Vanulle - 0
Opening Tailoring / Minig or Letherworking tabs on Wotlk
#110 opened by eulergrj - 0
gb2.lua error at line 588, ViragDevTool:AddData(GUILDBOOK_GLOBAL, "GUILDBOOK_GLOBAL")
#114 opened by b-morgan - 1
[Bug] Minimap toggle setting is not saved
#111 opened by Stanzilla - 1
Attempt to index field 'profile' (a nil value)
#112 opened by Duranom - 1
GRM_GuildSync: attempt to get length of field '?' (a nil value)
#113 opened by Duranom - 1
missing jc patterns
#115 opened by wonwon0 - 8
Missing items/glyphs/recipes megathread
#116 opened by Belrand - 0
Always opening glyphs view
#119 opened by rotti1977 - 0
Old profession still showed in guild view after change of profession
#121 opened by jmvassault - 0
Missing minimap button tooltip
#120 opened by MyTechnoHunter - 0
invalid link to new discord
#122 opened by MyTechnoHunter - 0
New issues after May 26, 2024 update
#124 opened by Shalarian - 4
Question: Can I contribute?
#56 opened by yarsiemanym - 0
Not compaible with TSM
#57 opened by kgthomps213 - 1
Another lua error with 2.5.2
#61 opened by b-morgan - 2
Guildbook "out of date" on Burning Crusade Classic 2.5.2
#58 opened by b-morgan - 4
[Request] Filter Recipe by Category
#59 opened by codewithbjim - 8
[Bug - TBCC] Characters not show in the Professions Window
#60 opened by codewithbjim - 2
Calendar Scrollbar not Working
#63 opened by Hamsterli86 - 1
Yet another lua error
#66 opened by b-morgan - 1
Lua error when adding a talent point
#69 opened by b-morgan