


The addon implements a custom permission system for setting guild public notes. Guild members who normally don't have permissions to edit the notes can set their own note automatically by whispering to the officers (who should have this addon installed) or writing the request to the guild chat. This way each member can modify his note (and only his).

!note <new note text> - Write to officer or guild chat to set your note
/gns pollver - To poll the list of officers who have this addon installed
/gns pollblver - To poll the list of officers who have the blacklist

 * * * NEW * * *
The addon now also allows keeping a list of characters banned from the guild (blacklist maintained by the guild master). It alerts if one of these characters is found in the guild.

*** Patch v7.3 - UPDATE ***
Since Blizzard broke some APIs, now you must manually configure which ranks have permissions to edit public notes and which ranks you trust to distribute the blacklist. Add string in the following format to your guild info:

For example (note the punctuation!):

Use /gns ranks to know the numbers.

*** WOW BFA 8.3 - UPDATE ***

Now BlackList can be used from Communities frame, Guild Info tab.

Also the config string now consists from 3 parts:


For example (note the punctuation!):