


Automate and Streamline your Guild Recruitment

GuildRecruitmentInLFG is a World of Warcraft addon designed to help you automate and streamline your guild recruitment process. This versatile tool simplifies your tasks by sending customizable messages to the LFG channel at regular intervals, recording join dates of new members, and acknowledging rank promotions with congratulatory messages.


  • You must install the MessageQueue addon. Blizzard does not allow addons to directly send messages to global channels unless in response to a hardware event (key/mouse press). This addon will ensure the recruitment message gets sent when you are providing those inputs. Check out the addon as it also has a way of making this work if you are AFK too.
  • You must join the LFG channel. Easiest way is to go to the Group Finder and list yourself under the Custom option. You'll get reminded in the chat window if you forget this though.


  • Automatically send guild recruitment messages to the LFG channel.
  • Set up to 5 different messages for variety and engagement.
  • Randomly selects one of the messages to send at each interval.
  • Integration with the MessageQueue addon for efficient message handling.
  • Control whether guild recruitment messages are sent while in a dungeon or raid, prioritizing your gameplay experience.
  • Send a sequence of up to 3 personalized welcome messages to newly invited members.
  • Track join dates of new members with an easy command (/gr check) to help manage promotions.
  • Send automated congratulations messages to members when they are promoted to full member or veteran rank.


To use GuildRecruitmentInLFG, simply install the addon along with the required MessageQueue addon. Customize your messages and settings to match your guild's recruitment needs, and let the addon handle the rest!

Note: This addon is intended for use in World of Warcraft Classic with the LookingForGroup channel. Functionality in other versions of the game may vary. Currently, we only support English as a language.

Take your guild recruitment to the next level with GuildRecruitmentInLFG! Download now and start recruiting more effectively.