


AddOns you are protected against

  • SuperGuildInvite


All you have to do is to instal this AddOn and SuperGuildInvite (and hopefully more in the future) will not bother you at all. As of september 9th 2012 I am not ready to release SGI 6.0, but once it hits everyone under 2000ms latency should be 100% protected against SuperGuildInvite.


If you wish to use this as part of your AddOn, and preventing spam as much as possible, do this:

  1. Put "GuildShield.lua" in your AddOns' folder and load it via the TOC file, before your own AddOn.
  2. Inside your own AddOn, run the function "GuildShield:Initiate(action)", either directly on loading or on login. Action is the function you wish to call when a player with GuildShield installed is found. (something like removing them from an invite list or simlar)
  3. When your AddOn finds a player that should be invited, run the function "GuildShield:IsShielded(player)". If the "player" has GuildShield installed, "action" (specified earlier) will be called. action will be called with the name of the player as argument:
  • action(name)