This is a simple addon that checks to see if you've completed the Lunar Festival quests.
Additionally if you have TomTom installed, you can set waypoints by toggling the option on or off.
This is largely a 1.0 release. I plan on adding a tracking UI, tune the waypoints to be a little more exact and support in dungeon coordinates.
Please provide any bugs here in the comments.
Slash Commands:
TomTom Waypoint Enablement
/lf tt
/lf tomtom
Once waypoints have been turned on
/lf [continent / dungeons / faction]
Eastern Kingdoms Valid: /lf ek, eastern kingdoms, eastern, east 1
Kalimdor Valid: /lf kmdr, kalimdor, kali, kalim, 2
Northrend Valid: /lf nr, north, rend, northrend, wotlk, 3
Cataclysm Valid: /lf cata, cataclysm, cat, 4
Dungeons Valid: /lf dungeon, dungeons, dung, 5
Alliance Valid: /lf alliance, alli, ally, 6
Horde Valid: /lf horde, herd, herdies, the horde, 7
To reset waypoint, please use TomTom's /way reset all