Main idea of addon - reducing amount of raid leader work on tracking cooldowns. In time of addon creation I knew only one addon for tracking CDs - Track Cooldowns. But it shows only CDs.
This addon's goal - show all available cooldowns of raid (and even group, if u turn it on) depending of player's spec. So if u have restor druid, u will see tranquility, that has 3 min cd.
If you want to help with others localizations or have good idea, how increase quality of addon, you can always contact me [email protected]
PS. If u'll find spells, that are not in base, but rather good for tracking, or u'll find that some spells don't work (Guardian of Ancient Kings and Reincarnation are unable to track now, hope blizzard will fix it), u can always try to write me ^^
PPS. Nowdays there are 2 more same type of addons: Hermes and RaidBoss (but seems second one it's dead). Mayby if u look for more compact addon u should look for Hermes.
PPPS.Due the reason, that addon became so impossible strong need to say about it's capabilities.
- My guild mate love to use this addon with "bar"-style, when u see cooldowns graphically. To turn it on go to "Expert" and turn on 2 options: "enable bars" and "enable background" and don't forget to "redraw" (in the top of settings screen).
- You should choose amount of groups to track (if u have replacement that sit in raid). It can be changed in "Expert" section.
- You should also turn off all spells that u don't need in "Spells" section. There are a lot of different not usefull spells, mostly because some use this addon on arenas, so I decided to include mostly all players' spells in game.
- Perhaps you wanna turn on tracking special talents for players. For example very usefull Healing tide totem and Hand of Purity, to turn it on go to expert settings, there choose "Add talents", there u can choose player class, name and spec (I advise not to add talent for all specs if player used to change spec). Don't track all talents, add just that one, that u'll use (too many not usefull information decrease quality of this information and makes it not usefull). If u want to delete talent from tracking, u should go "Expert"->"Manual settings". There u can by turning off/on checkbox (or even deleting from memory) turn on/off spell tracking.
- If u want to add special spell, that not in base of addon (for example Jeeves), or to add some spell to another category for current player, u can always use rather uncomfortable "Expert"->"Manual settings"
- One very interesting moment. Currently a lot of raids or bosses, where u need special information. For example information about battle ressurects u need almoust in every fight, about aoe-heals in 70%, and in one special boss u need to know as more direct cooldowns as u can. Ofcourse it's very hard to configure addon for all this sittuation without spaming screen with not usefull information. That's why I advise to use such powerfull tool like profile managment. You just press "create from" for creating new profile and u'll have same settings, where u can turn on/off special information to addon. Then u just change before bosses profile and use that information, that u need just for this boss.