HandyNotes: Boralus RP Spots

HandyNotes: Boralus RP Spots


HandyNotes: Boralus RP Spots is a plug-in for the popular HandyNotes addon. It extends the capabilities of HandyNotes by providing a pre-selected, comprehensive list of locations and NPCs in the city of Boralus, with an eye to the potential for roleplay.

In addition, HN:BRPS supports a fully-integrated, searchable database of locations that you can access with the /bora command.

Configurable Tracking

With HN:BRPS, you can specify the types of locations you wish to track, and those locations will appear on both your regional map and minimap when in Boralus.

You can choose from the following types of locations:

* Bars -- anywhere that serves alcohol

* Food -- restaurants and food vendors

* Shops -- both vendors that sell items, and buildings that imply being shops (but which lack vendors)

* Ships -- boats, sailing ships, and even landing points for ferries

* Official Buildings -- administrative offices such as the harbormaster or Proudmoore Keep

* Basements -- both the creepy empty ones and the "fridge" basements with ice

* Points of Interest -- such as memorials, plazas, and bridges

* Animals -- cats, dogs, and other critters that you can pet

* Beds -- buildings that contain one or more empty bed, cot, or hammock

* Miscellaneous -- other buildings, vendors, or NPCs in the city

You can also choose to include or exclude locations, such as:

* Closed Buildings -- locations that have a sign but can't be entered, such as Ashvane Laundry

* Empty Buildings -- ideal spots for claiming at your own home or running an RP business

* Hostile Locations -- where you might get attacked by dangerous mobs

* Shops without Vendors -- there are some buildings that claim to sell wares but lack an actual vendor -- hide those!

Explore Boralus

Empowered with these locations on your minimap or city map, you can meet up with other roleplayers, explore the hidden secrets of Boralus, or just find somewhere fun to hang out while waiting for a long DPS queue.

Database Search and Custom Filters

By typing the /bora command in the chat window, you can access the powerful search capabilities built into HN:BRPS add-on. Use predefined searches such as "bars" or "transport", or create your own based on whatever criteria you choose. Combine your searches together to find just what you're looking for. Examples include:

/bora safe bars -- find a bar where you won't be attacked by hostile mobs

/bora tables:2 seats:10 -- looking for a place for a guild meeting?

/bora panda -- For when you're craving some late-night Pandaren cuisine or drinks

/bora dancing alcohol -- A night on the town!

/bora shine -- find the elusive (but not very hidden) shoe-shine guy in Boralus Harbor

Output of /bora bar

You can also use the /bora command to set a custom filter that overrides your normal settings. Are you looking for the Ravens Flock tavern? Clear the rest of your map with /bora set raven, and then toggle between the filter and your usual map icons with /bora toggle. If you just did a search for something and want to use those results, use /bora setlast and you're good to go!

HandyNotes and TomTom Integration

HN:BRPS requires the HandyNotes addon to function; otherwise, it's of no use at all. In addition, if you use the TomTom addon, you can automatically set a waypoint by right-clicking on the HN:BRPS location icons.

HN:BRPS uses data that was supplied in part by members of the Boralus-RP community.