HandyNotes: Burning Crusade

HandyNotes: Burning Crusade


A HandyNotes plugin to show the Burning Crusade / Outland rares on your map. (That means it requires HandyNotes, so go install it as well.)

Want to help?

If you'd like to submit corrections, please go into the settings as mentioned above and turn on "show quest ids". Then let me know the quest id for the node you want to correct, which will now appear in its tooltip.

If you'd like to submit a new node, you have two options:

  1. Tell me where it is. I'll go find it eventually and track down the more obscure details I need to add it.
  2. Gather these details yourself and send them to me:
    • Zone and coordinates.
    • What it gives you.
    • The quest id associated with it. This is the tricky one. The easiest way to get it is to install QuestsChanged before you open the treasure, then open the treasure and check it to see what quest was triggered.

What else might help me find things?