HandyNotes: Burning Crusade

HandyNotes: Burning Crusade


Zone map mouseover error

eTzmNcbkrng opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Still on my first playthrough, boosted to L70 and am in Howling Fjord, I get this error when I mouseover a rare icon on the zone map.
As far as I've noticed, this happens on all rare icons but only the first time an icon is moused-over per session.

5x SharedXML/Mixin.lua:31: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@SharedXML/Mixin.lua"]:31: in function `Mixin'
[string "@HandyNotes_BurningCrusade/handler/handler.lua"]:926: in function <HandyNotes_BurningCrusade/handler/handler.lua:785>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@HandyNotes_BurningCrusade/handler/handler.lua"]:1043: in function <HandyNotes_BurningCrusade/handler/handler.lua:1019>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@HandyNotes/HandyNotes.lua"]:56: in function <HandyNotes/HandyNotes.lua:51>
[string "@HandyNotes/HandyNotes.lua"]:166: in function <HandyNotes/HandyNotes.lua:165>