HandyNotes: Covenant Sanctum

HandyNotes: Covenant Sanctum

This is a HandyNotes plugin to display the NPC and POI locations in your covenant sanctum on the world map and minimap.


  • icon scale and alpha.
  • toggle visibility of
    • Innkeepers
    • Mailboxes
    • Portals*
    • Armor Enhancers
    • Stable Masters
    • Vendors
    • Weaponsmiths

*Not displayed if HandyNotes: TravelGuide is already active.


  • Support for TomTom Waypoints.
  • Sanctum upgrade check.
    • - (Sanctum upgrade requirement is unfulfilled)


  • enUS - default
  • deDE - German (Native locale by Dathwada!)
  • esES - Spanish (thanks Irakua!)
  • ruRU - Russian (thanks dadec666!)
  • zhCN - Simplified Chinese (thanks nbyang!)
  • zhTW - Traditional Chinese (thanks RainbowUI!)

Issues and Suggestion

Please go to Issues to submit any issue found or any suggestion.