HandyNotes - Exploration Achievements - Pandaria

HandyNotes - Exploration Achievements - Pandaria



Places HandyNotes pins on the World Map and Minimap for almost all the Pandaria exploration achievements.

Almost every exploration achievement in mainland Pandaria / Isle of Thunder

All locations are "Dragonflight" up to date!

How to Use

Instal like any other AddOn. Requires Handy Notes to work. Configurable.

  • Downloading: Most people do this. Move from your downloads folder to your _retail_  AddOns folder. Don't forget to get HandyNotes too!
  • Using a 3rd Party App?: Look for "EA Pandarial" and do what you need to do. Simple.

Never again be hassled with copying imprecise/outdated coordinates from Wowhead!


There are too many achievements to list here (18 last count) but they are listed in game. Look for a single larger icon which is adjacent to the continent of Pandaria. This list doubles as a completion summary with the list separated into three groups:

  • Completed by the current character
  • Some other character on the same account
  • No character

Once you are done with the achievements then you can delete the AddOn and avoid AddOn and AddOn data clutter!

Missing Achievements: Timeless Isle, Glorious... They'll be added later!

Caved entrances and other tips

Completion/Progress Status

Up to three lines of "completion" status will be shown with colour codes: green for completed and red for not yet.

  • The first line is the overall account completion - any character at any time in the past.
  • The second line will show whether the current chracter itself has completed the achievement
  • A third line shows the completion status for the character for the criteria within the achievement, if applicable

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