HandyNotes: MapNotes Classic Era & Hardcore

HandyNotes: MapNotes Classic Era & Hardcore



REQUIRES --> HandyNotes <-- to be installed                                                                                                        current version: 1.8

For a All in One version use them >> HandyNotes: MapNotes (Retail / Classic / Cataclysm) <<

For a pure WotLK version use them >> HandyNotes: MapNotes Cataclysm <<

A collection of various icons on various maps for Classic Era


  • Full supported languages: enUS, deDE, esMX, ptBR, itIT, zhCN, zhTW, ruRU ,koKR, frFR, esES
  • Displays instance entrances, lfr dungeonbroswer locations, portals, ships, zeppelins, exits, passage, enemy faction and other transport icons
  • All icons can be activated or deactivated separately and all icons can also be hidden or shown with a single click. Called  "Hide MapNotes!"
  • You can use the MapNotes symbols with or without shift-clicking. Called "Shift function"
  • Display special MapNotes icons for Horde and Alliance that display additional information on all maps. Called "MapNotes icons"
  • Display icons of the other faction that can be activated by the other faction. Called "Enemey Faction"
  • All symbols are clickable (except on the minimap) and have a function

Map function description:

  • Right-click on any icon adds a TomTom waypoint (except on the Azeroth and Minimap)
  • Left-click on Azeroth or Continent map transport icon takes you to the area where the symbols are located
  • Left-click on a Zone map transport icon will open the area where the icon's target is


  • Left-click opens or close the MapNote setting menu
  • Right-click shows or hides all activated MapNotes icons of the current map type that is currently open (World Map/Azeroth/Continent/Zone/Dungeon)
  • Middle-Mouse-Button shows or hides ALL activated MapNotes icons on ALL maps


  • Left-click opens or close the MapNote setting menu
  • Right-click hide / show icons on the Minimap
  • Shift+Right-click  hide the minimap button
  • Middle-Mouse-Button opens or close the Worldmap

Chat commands:

  • to show MapNotes info/help in chat: /mn, /MN
  • to open MapNotes menu: /mno, /MNO
  • to close MapNotes menu: /mnc, /MNC
  • to show minimapbutton: /mnb or /MNB
  • to hide minimapbutton: /mnbh or /MNBH
  • Settings can also be found under: ESC -> Interface -> Addons -> HandyNotes -> Plugins -> MapNot

~~ if you are interested in supporting me, feel free to do so ~ use the donate button on the right or press this sentence ~~

~~ thanks alot:) ~~ 


The Classic version of HandyNotes: MapNotes has been added to the main addon. Use the link for an all in one package versions from Classic / TBC / WotLK / Retail

Link >> HandyNotes: MapNotes is now compatible for Classic / TBC / WotLK and Retail <<