HandyNotes: Tormentors of Torghast

HandyNotes: Tormentors of Torghast


HandyNotes: Tormentors of Torghast

A HandyNotes plugin for the Tormentors of Torghast event in The Maw added in 9.1. This addon was inspired by HandyNotes: Scourge Invasion of Shadowlands. It will add the rewards and respawn order for each tormentor to the map.

Helpful for tracking your progress on the achievement [Minions of the Cold Dark] as well as vanity drops such as the [Chain of Bahmethra] mount, the [Amaranthine Stinger] pet, the [Semi-Permeable Gelatinous Storage Pouch] 32 slot bag, and a variety of transmog items.

Tormentors are listed in spawn order as colored skulls. A blue skull means you still need a reward from it. The Kel'Thuzad pin shows the spawn order and shared loot drops.


  • Scale icon sizes and alpha
  • Show only the tormentors you still need rewards from


  • deDE - German
  • enUS - English
  • esES - Spanish
  • frFR - French
  • itIT - Italian
  • ruRU - Russiam (Thanks hubbotu)
  • zhCN - Chinese (Simplified)

Did I miss something?

Let me know in the comments if information is incorrect or you have a suggestion for possible improvements.