Hardcore Tracker

Hardcore Tracker


This addon is a retail hardcore challenge tracker. The goal of this addon is to add some excitement to leveling and completing achievements at max level while still being hardcore.

Current functionality includes:

  • Sends a message to your group, raid, instance, and guild when you die for the first time. The message will contain your character name, the zone you died in, your current level, and your time played.
  • When typing !hct in party or guild chat, everyone with the addon will respond with their current hardcore status and their current point score if they are still hardcore.
  • A point system where you can compete with friends / guildies to see who can take more risks to get more points. You get points by doing the following:

1 point per level your character attains

5 points per dungeon achievement your character attains (i.e. completing a dungeon or completing a boss specific achievement)

* This point system will be expanded over time as more development is done on the addon *