Heal Organizer Revived

Heal Organizer Revived



This add-on helps organizing the healers in your raid by allowing the user to drag and drop healers into different assignments. Assignments can be as complex or simple as the user wishes.

Original Addon died 9 yrs ago Heal Organizer


  • Interact with Heal Organizer by using the Slash commands /healorganizer, /hlorg, or /ho
  • Bring Up the Menu by typing /ho dialog
  • Simply Drag & Drop Healers under the Main Tanks
  • Click Raid or Channel to broadcast Assignment to approriate Channel.  


  • MT1-10 will pull Info from Blizzard Maintanks , ora or CT_RaidAssist to populate Names.
  • Left Click on MT1-10 Label allows to edit the Description to your desired Name.
  • There is a key binding registered under the WoW standard key binding interface to bring up the dialog.

Auto Filling

  • Hover over an empty slot under a Tank and use Mousewheel-Up/Down to select the desired class.
  • Hit AutoFill Button will try and populate ur available Healers into the slots.
  • Healing Classes playing a non Healing Spec should be moved down in the Remaining List to the "Not a Healer" Section , so they wont be picked up by the Autofill

Saving Sets

You can define 30 sets which can be saved, loaded and deleted. Each set saves the assignment text and class for each assignment. It does not save the healers’ names as players are likely to change between raids.

  Slash Commands

/ho dialog

This will open the heal organizer dialogue. This can be used in a macro or you can just setup a key binding via the standard WoW key binding interface (ESC => Keybindings, look near the end).

/ho autosort

This option toggles whether players will be sorted by class/name within groups. This is only useful if the order you assign healers denotes things like backup healers or secondary healers.

Additonal Features

Once the Healing assigments are set Players can whisper the Heal-Coordinator:

  • heal - reply what Target you got assigned (or no target if no assignment is active)
  • healers - replys the whole healing assignements which are  currently set