HealBot Plugin AuraWatch

HealBot Plugin AuraWatch


HealBot Plugin AuraWatch

The AuraWatch plugin allows players to monitor their own spells for cooldown and monitor other players buffs, debuffs, health, mana or aggro, to trigger when certain conditions are met.

Up to 8 independent watchers can be configured.

Examples of use:

  • Monitor power infusion for cooldown and mages arcane power, alert when arcane power expires.
  • Monitor Innervate for cooldown and filter healers with low mana.
  • Monitor power word: life for cooldown and filter players below 35% health.
  • Monitor pain suppression for cooldown and cast when a tank has a specific debuff.
  • Monitor Inner Fire in combat, alert when expires.
  • Monitor Fade for cooldown and alert when your aggro level is high.

Please post comments, feedback and bugs on the discord server available here