



Heartbeat is a simple replacement for other floating combat text-type addons. It focuses on providing a clean way of telling how much damage and healing is received. This is particularly useful for tank roles.

Damage and healing text

Each second, the damage and healing received within the past second is displayed as a percentage relative to your current maximum health. The text pops up and fades away before the next text appears at the same position.

The damage text is tinted to indicate how much physical and/or magical damage was taken. Pure physical damage is shown in red, pure magical damage is shown in purple and everything in between is a mix of the two. An example can be seen below.


The healing text is always shown in green. There is an option to include/exclude overhealing.


In-game configuration is available via the /heartbeat commands:

  • help - Displays the available commands.
  • reset - Resets to the default settings.
  • lock - Locks the text.
  • unlock - Unlocks the text for dragging.
  • scale <number> - Sets the scale of the text.
  • includeOverhealing true/false - Sets a value indicating whether or not to include overhealing.
  • showBackground - Sets a value indicating whether or not to show the background textures.

A few additional configuration options are available in the Config.lua file.