/herald will provide details on how to change the settings. The default is set to group. If you set it for Raid Warning, it will automatically default to announcing on group if you are not at least a raid assistant.
The Herald will announce on either say, group chat (party, arena, raid, or instance), or raid warning the following items when they are being created or cast:
Field Repair Bot 74A
Field Repair Bot 110G
Goblin BBQ
Broiled Dragon Feast
Seafood Magnifique Feast
Cauldron of Battle
Big Cauldron of Battle
Ritual of Refreshment (Mage table)
Ritual of Souls (Lock Cookies)
Ritual of Summoning (Lock Portal)
MOLL-E (mailbox)
Mass Resurrection
Mobile Banking
Banquet of the Brew
Banquet of the Grill
Banquet of the Oven
Banquet of the Pot
Banquet of the Steamer
Banquet of the Wok
Great Banquet of the Brew
Great Banquet of the Grill
Great Banquet of the Oven
Great Banquet of the Pot
Great Banquet of the Steamer
Great Banquet of the Wok
Great Pandaren Banquet
Pandaren Banquet
Noodle Cart
Deluxe Noodle Cart
Pandaren Treasure Noodle Cart
Savage Feast
Feast of the Waters
Feast of Blood
Portal: Darnassus
Portal: Exodar
Portal: Ironforge
Portal: Orgrimmar
Portal: Silvermoon
Portal: Stormwind
Portal: Theramore
Portal: Thunder Bluff
Portal: Undercity
Portal: Stonard
Portal: Tol Barad
Portal: Shattrath
Portal: Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Portal: Warspear
Portal: Stormshield