


This is a WoW addon that lets you talk to other factions with manageable level of comprehension loss.


As human to horde

/hermes Thank you

Turns into:

T H AN K r Y O U

As orc to alliance

/hermes Thank you

Turns into:

TH A N K n I O Il

It also types into chat how members of another chat will see your message, so you will have time to rephrase it.

To yell:

/yhermes Thank you


It's impossible to make certain letters appear, so this addon tries to substitute them to something close.

Orcish suffers in particular, because it misses a bunch of potentially interchangeable letters: B, P, V, W, F.

No punctuation or numbers are possible. Only some latin letters.

Only single space can be posted. But it is possible to use some downcase letters as delimeters. Or you can post one word at a time.

Characters who speak your language will see gibberish. I. e. if you are undead, other undead will see gibberish, but alliance players and non-undead will see translated text.


Isn't cross-faction communication prohibited by EULA?

No, this rule is gone since Blizzard merged and WoW EULAs in 2018.

What can you write to another faction?

Most standard capital Latin letters, some downcase latin letters and whitespaces.