Hidden Skin Tracker

Hidden Skin Tracker


Hidden Skin Tracker

Hidden Skin Tracker was designed to be a lightweight addon with one goal in mind; keeping track of a player's artifact hidden skin recolour progress.

HST tracks your world quests, dungeons, and honourable kills that are completed with a hidden skin equipped.


Simply type /hst in chat and the addon will print your results right to the chat frame!

Alternative commands: /HST, /hiddenskintracker.


Does this track existing skin progress?

Yes it does!

Why am I not getting any progress? Your addon sucks! It doesn't work!

You must have a hidden skin equipped to get progress towards the recolours. I am working on a way to warn you if your hidden skin isn't active!

I don't have a hidden skin. How do I get them?

There are plenty of resources to help you find your specialisation's hidden skin. Google: spec + hidden artifact skin!